Flivver Rebuild

A Flivver is one of the oddball boats I’ve always wanted to own…it used to be the clown boat at Cypress Gardens. A few different people around Central FL have made them over the years, and you can still get a new one made today.

Random CraigsList search turned up this one which I picked up for the princely sum of $0, needing a full rebuild. Being a glutton for a dusty project and a good story, I picked it up in 2020.

Fitting in between various other projects, first I gutted all the rotten wood and soaked foam out of it, then laminated a couple layers of Coosa BW26 for the motorboard. All resin is two-part epoxy with biax cloth or occasionally 1708. Most of this project will be done with scrap from other projects, or from my friends’ scrap piles.

Bathtub mode – flexible, but light! Also itchy…
Magnus enjoying his first Flivver ride
Finished front & rear decks; working on seat bulkheads